March 12, 2021
Russell C. Carey, ​Executive Vice President, Planning and Policy
Tags Faculty and Staff

To Employees Age 60 to 64: State of Rhode Island Vaccine Information


Dear Colleague,
Governor McKee and the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) announced yesterday afternoon that all Rhode Islanders who are 60 to 64 years of age can register for an appointment at one of the two State-run vaccination sites starting later today (Fri. Mar. 12). New appointments at Rhode Island's State-run vaccination sites will be added to beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday. (New appointments are regularly added on Tuesdays beginning at 9 a.m. and Fridays beginning at 5 p.m.) Walgreens and CVS expect to adjust their eligibility criteria to take appointments for people in these two groups at 11 a.m. on Friday.
We wanted to provide this updated information to Brown faculty and staff who are in these eligibility groups (the announcement is pasted in below in its entirety). If you are employed in Rhode Island you can get the vaccine in Rhode Island, although if you are a resident of Massachusetts or Connecticut or other states there may be options for you in those states as well. 
The state's website is where you can register to be vaccinated at one of the State-run sites. The State's general vaccination information page also has information about vaccination sites at local pharmacies and cities and towns. 
As you are likely aware, the distribution of the vaccine has been slow, largely due to supply being limited. Brown does not currently have direct access to or ability to distribute the vaccine ourselves, but we will continue to monitor availability closely and make information available as we receive it. Links to official websites regarding vaccines in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut follow below as well.
Russell Carey
Executive Vice President for Planning and Policy