April 8, 2021
Russell C. Carey, ​Executive Vice President, Planning and Policy
Tags Undergraduates

To the Class of 2021 and 2021.5: Important Commencement Update - College Ceremony Information


Dear Class of 2021 and 2021.5 Undergraduate Students,

I know there is much anticipation as the semester ends and Commencement draws nearer. Congratulations on your progress and achievements, and thank you for your contributions to the Brown community.

I am writing to provide an update with regard to planning for Commencement 2021, and in particular the plans for the College Ceremony on Sunday, May 2, 2021, which will proceed in a modified way to ensure compliance with state public health requirements.

As underscored in prior communications, a core principle for Commencement 2021 is that it be planned and held in a manner that is healthy and safe, including being fully compliant with the University’s COVID-19 Campus Safety Policy and the State of Rhode Island rules and regulations governing events. Doing so requires approval from the State, and we were informed last week that they would not approve any Commencement events, at Brown or elsewhere, with more than 1,000 attendees. This restriction affects the College Ceremony because the number of graduating undergraduates exceeds 1,000 students.

Given this constraint, we have decided to hold two College Ceremonies on Sunday, May 2. One will take place at 10:00 am, and the second will take place at 2:30 pm. The program for both ceremonies will be the same, and most importantly both will provide opportunities for you to be recognized and celebrated and to walk through the Van Wickle Gates with your classmates.

An important benefit of this new approach is that holding two College Ceremonies on the same day allows for the participation of 2021.5 mid-year students, who are expected to complete their degree requirements to graduate from Brown over the summer or fall of 2021. That was not possible given the socially distant seating requirements for graduating students when we planned a single ceremony, which we know was highly disappointing to many students who are 2021.5. Those students, including those who are currently remote, will receive further information shortly about how to let us know if they wish to attend the in-person ceremonies on May 2.

Approximately two weeks before Commencement, all graduating undergraduates will receive information on how to register for the morning or the afternoon ceremony. You will be able to coordinate with your friends and register for the ceremony you wish to attend together. While there will be a cap of approximately 800 students at each, we expect most students will be able to register for the ceremony of their choice, and keep in mind there will be no substantive difference between the two other than the time of day. Registration is required to attend. Once registered, students will receive information on how to pick up their wristband to gain access to the College Green and their designated check in time and gate location.

Once again, participating in the in-person ceremonies requires being actively enrolled in and compliant with the University’s COVID-19 testing program. No one will be admitted to the College Green for either ceremony without being in testing compliance (including having had a recent negative test result) and displaying a registration wristband. Due to health and safety considerations there can be no exceptions to these requirements. You will receive more detailed information about how to register for and attend the College Ceremony later this month as part of the ceremony registration process.

Additional information continues to be added to the Commencement website, so please refer to it often.

We appreciate that this is not the ideal Commencement many may have envisioned, but we are heartened that we can gather in-person. We look forward to gathering in this modified way to celebrate this milestone.


Russell C. Carey
Executive Vice President, Planning & Policy