November 17, 2020
Provost Richard M. Locke
Tags Faculty and Staff

To Brown Faculty and Staff: Return to Level One and Classroom Building Access


Dear Colleagues,

I am writing as a follow up to President Paxson's letter sent earlier today (Nov. 17) announcing that we will return to Level 1 Campus Activity Status, effective tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 18. This means a return to remote-only instruction one week earlier than in-person classes were scheduled to end.  Please note that this announcement does not change employee essential designation categories, and essential onsite, essential special, and essential limited designations are not affected by this transition.

Access to buildings for individuals on approved return to campus plans will remain unchanged. Classroom buildings will be accessible via card access to faculty to teach remotely only in their assigned classroom, should that be necessary. Media Services staff will continue to be available to faculty who need classroom support. Please call Media Services at 863-3600 or email to request resources.

As noted in the communication, while the dedication of Brown community members to following public health guidance has helped keep positive cases relatively low, the University has begun to experience increases in positive COVID-19 tests among students, faculty and staff. There also has been a rise in the numbers of individuals socializing in larger groups, particularly in the last week. Brown hopes to shift some behaviors very quickly so community members will be safe to travel to be with their families and friends.


Richard M. Locke