September 19, 2023
Provost Francis J. Doyle, III
Tags Faculty and Staff

To Brown Faculty and Instructors: Health protocols for academic instruction


Dear Colleagues,
It is the start of a new academic year, and we know that many of you may have questions about the University’s approach to COVID-19 and other health precautions as we begin the fall semester. I hope you all saw the public health message on Today@Brown yesterday, which outlined preventative care measures and additional resources.
While there are no major changes in our approach to academic instruction at this time, I wanted to provide some key reminders as we gather for in-person classes once again:
Masking: Although wearing masks is not required by the University in general, instructors may require students to wear masks in their classrooms and in meetings.
Testing: If you develop symptoms upon your return to campus, self-testing for COVID-19 will be instrumental in identifying and minimizing potential spread.
For policies related specifically to our academic instructional approach, please refer to the up-to-date FAQs on the provost’s website related to in-person instruction. As yesterday’s Today@Brown message made clear, Brown’s approach to public health continues to be based on expert guidance from public health and medical professionals as well as current health guidelines.
As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions at I hope everyone has a healthy, safe and productive semester.
Francis J. Doyle, III