August 16, 2021
Russell C. Carey, ​Executive Vice President for Planning and Policy
Tags Undergraduates Grad and Medical Students Faculty and Staff

To the Brown Community: Visitor and guest requirements effective Aug. 15


Dear Brown Community Members, 

Effective August 15, 2021, visitors and guests are allowed on the Brown University campus without specific approvals or permissions, subject to Brown’s policies and health protocols. This follows the guidance we forecasted in the June 23 campus communication regarding expectations for departments and programs to be able to host visitors and hold events, programs, conferences and other activities if the campus attained near-universal (90% and above) vaccination status among students, faculty and staff. As previously announced, we have reached that goal.

Detailed information regarding visitor and guest policies and requirements for the 2021-2022 academic year can be found on the new Visitors and Guests web page on, which outlines vaccination requirements, mask protocols and other information. All members of the Brown community should review this information carefully.

All visitors and guests must comply with the University’s COVID-19 Campus Safety Policy and follow all guidance, direction and requirements regarding COVID-19 health and safety protocols, including at events. Host departments are responsible for their visitors and guests, including ensuring that they are aware of and comply with all relevant policies and protocols. Departments should pay particular attention to the vaccination attestation requirements for long-term and short-term visitors to ensure full compliance with the policy.

Departments and members of the Brown community with questions regarding visitors and guests related to COVID-19 not answered in the FAQ section of the web page should send an email to

For Vaccination Requirements and Mask Protocols for Visitors and Guests, visit:
COVID-19 Campus Safety Policy:


Russell C. Carey
Executive Vice President, Planning & policy