September 29, 2021
Russell C. Carey, ​Executive Vice President, Planning and Policy
Tags Undergraduates Grad and Medical Students Faculty and Staff

To the Brown Community: Further Reduction of Temporary Restrictions


Dear Brown Community Members,

As you are likely aware from the COVID-19 Dashboard, the number of positive tests results and the positivity rate have remained at very low levels over the past ten days. This reflects the care and diligence that all members of the community, and especially undergraduate students, have demonstrated in responding to the increases in positive tests we had seen during the first few weeks of the semester.

In recognition of the improved public health conditions on campus, we are now further reducing the temporary restrictions that had been put in place earlier this month. The Campus Activity Status page has been updated and simplified to reflect the current activities allowed on campus and the health protocols in place. I encourage all members of the community to review that page carefully, and particularly want to draw your attention to the following changes that have been made:

  • Eliminated the 5-person limit for undergraduate social gatherings and the guidance to refrain from small-group hopping. Students should continue to practice basic and prudent public health measures — wearing masks indoors, keeping contacts to a minimum and avoiding crowded indoor gatherings without masks.
  • Eliminated the requirement for mask wearing at outdoor athletic events and campus admission tours. Mask wearing by vaccinated individuals may still be required at some outdoor events, particularly in gatherings that include individuals from outside the Brown community. You will be notified by event sponsors and through the event publicity when outdoor masking is required.

Thank you to all of those whose close adherence to the protocols helped our community return to this activity level.


Russell C. Carey
Executive Vice President, Planning and Policy