January 16, 2021
Vice President for Campus Life Eric Estes, Associate Vice President for Campus Life, Executive Director of Health and Wellness, Vanessa Britto and Associate Vice President for Campus Life, Dean of Students Koren Bakkegard
Tags Undergraduates Grad and Medical Students

To Brown Campus Community: URGENT Quiet Period Reminders


Dear On-Campus Students and Brown-Leased Off-Campus Residents,

We are receiving reports of multiple students in student rooms, informal groups of students gathered outside, a lack of social distancing and mask wearing, and travel outside of residences for non-essential purposes. We need to underscore the immediate need to adhere to the restrictions in place during the Quiet Period. If students do not follow these restrictions, the University may need to extend the Quiet Period farther into the semester and delay the start of in-person classes and activities. Quiet Period restrictions apply to the entire residential community; receiving negative test results does not affect these restrictions. We will inform you when public health conditions allow us to shift to stage two of the Quiet Period.

At this time: 

  • In person gatherings or groupings (even for a few minutes outside) are not allowed. 
  • You are only permitted to leave your residence (including Brown-leased off-campus properties) to get a COVID-19 test, receive care from Health Services by appointment, or to pick up dining hall meals or items from Mail Services. Students in the Omni are only permitted to leave the Omni for mail or care from Health Services by appointment.
  • You must wear your mask whenever you are near other people and remain socially distanced around everyone, including your pod-mates

Brown Takes Care has Quiet Period Tips and Activities and a Guide to Forming Your Pod.

We know you are eager to have opportunities to connect in person, move beyond your residence, and have choice in your dining hall meals. In order to be able to shift to these allowances, it is essential that you and others abide by the restrictions that are in place to help safeguard the health of the campus community and our neighbors in Providence. 


Eric Estes
Vice President for Campus Life

Vanessa Britto
Associate Vice President for Campus Life
Executive Director of Health and Wellness

Koren Bakkegard
Associate Vice President for Campus Life
Dean of Students